Wednesday, May 11, 2005

A warm welcome to our Google visitors

I'm back.

I have a couple of posts planned, but seem to be having trouble finding time to write them. I just thought I should announce my return from North America, in order to avoid 'languishing' status, or being left only those readers who arrive having googled one of the following:

stunning women
one degree of kevin bacon
most valuable commodities
wittgenstein solitude
rude pictures
house-sitting etiquette expectations
worst housemates ever
chewing toothpicks
mammaries mammoth
danish ex girlfriend

A fascinating list, I am so glad I added sitemeter to the blog.

I have been catching up on lots of great blogging since I got home. I have to say that absolutely rules - and not just because I seem to get a lot of visitors from his site.

More later.


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