Romantic nights at the movies
I’ve made a few forward steps in the past month; joining the party at Party, getting rakeback, adding sitemeter to my blog. And winning quite well, too.
Sitemeter has been interesting since I added it on Friday. I’ve had about thirty visitors in almost three days, but it seems that the majority of them have arrived via a web search for ‘rude pictures’. I believe I wrote about using my camera-phone to send some to The Girl I Am No Longer Seeing. No wonder the average visitor only stays 50 seconds, when they find there aren’t actually any rude pictures here.
I’m not doing too well on my ‘25 hours by Friday’ target. This is despite putting a chart up on my wall… I’m only at nine hours, leaving sixteen to do in five days. I don’t think I am going to make it, but at least it has been nine good hours so far; I am over $20 per hour, though I have been running pretty good.
Sadly, it looks like I am going to have to take a large chunk out of my bankroll this week, with my trip to the World Snooker championships coming up; train fare, hotel, spending money. It is a real shame, as I have built it nicely over the last couple of months and have four figures in there for the first time in months. This sets back my long-term plans to build the roll, move up a little in size of game, and ultimately consider quitting work or at least going part-time.
Mean Gene wrote a little about ‘The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover’ on Sunday, a Peter Greenaway film. It was an amusing post, as he strongly advised never to have a first date at that movie - and that’s exactly what I did, about ten years ago. It was with the beautiful Danish girl who has remained a good friend all these years later, and the movie was her choice. I quite liked it, but the soundtrack is more worth a listen than the movie a viewing.
This reminds me that I once went to see ‘Seven’ with a fairly new girlfriend, on Valentine’s Day! Again, it was her choice and not mine. What a nasty - and reasonable but over-rated - film.
PS There are four large ads for Party Poker in Britain’s biggest-selling daily newspaper today.
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