Man flu
I'm not well, which has not been well-timed as its the four-day Easter weekend. Boo hoo.
England beat Northern Ireland 4-0 today in World Cup Qualifying. Poor opposition, but a very impressive performance. England are in the fortunate position of having players in many positions who are pretty much as good as anyone in the world. It remains to be seen whether cautious coach Eriksson will balls it up again by going defensive when it counts, in Germany next year.
So, I have now got Pokertracker's Beta version for Omaha. I only just downloaded it and imported my hand histories, so now I am trying to make sense of it all. The things that jump right out are:
- I have lost money on the button and won the same amount from the big blind. A bizarre stat, but I am only on a thousand hands. I've lost more in the cut-off.
- It is fascinating to see the split of winners and losers. Two losers for every winner.
- It is nice to see my rake totalled up for me, given the rakeback deal I have.
Overall, I haven't done nearly as well as I would like in this first week at Party. I think the biggest factor has been the lack of 6-max games. I caught myself during a losing session the other day playing as if it were 6-max, because I am so used to that. Sessions at my old site of 6-max have reminded me that I do prefer that type of game. Still, it is great to have options, two different sites with different strengths and weaknesses. I like to think that I am quite good at adjusting to different games and conditions, so I better prove it.
That is all I have time or energy for right now. I'd love to write more, or play more, but I really don't feel well.
PS Met my ex on Tuesday night, which was nice. Seems like I miss her more than she misses me, which is fine.
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