Eight years ago today
I had a real good session on Thursday night, two-tabling with ‘Faranheit 9/11’ on TV in the background. I came out just over $50 winner in two hours (up in Omaha, down in O8), but most importantly played well. I concentrated more than usual – which yielded a number of note-worthy observations on opponents – and gave my decisions somewhat more thought than usual, which resulted in saving a few dollars here and gleaning a few extra dollars there.
As for ‘Faranheit 9/11’, I was pleasantly surprised. I suppose I have heard nothing but right-wing criticism of the movie for a long time, so I expected it to be far more contentious, manipulative and strident than it proved to be. In fact I found Moore’s commentary to be pleasantly understated most of the time.
I am sure that there are inaccuracies in the film. I am equally sure that there are inaccuracies (and especially omissions) in almost every piece of journalism or polemic about that war and that president. For me, the bottom line is that mainstream TV and newspaper reporting follows a very narrow brief, so people like Michael Moore are an absolutely vital part of the media.
I finally did a bit of numbers-work on Thursday also. Mr Industrious. It turns out that I am actually down in PLO8 after 56 hours. I am surprised, disappointed and alarmed. I can’t beat Pot Limit Omaha 8 or better?? Perversely, I don’t intend to quit it just yet - but things better take a turn for the better very soon or I most certainly will.
In other news, it looks like I could be moving out of ‘home’ in as little as two weeks’ time. This is great news, except that the need to pay a deposit suddenly smacked me in the face. I need to win at poker, negotiate, ask for favours and eat dried bread – and I only enjoy one of those four things.
NB: Eight years ago today I met (and slept with) the girl who would become my girlfriend for almost seven years.
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